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College Scholarships

In addition to scholarships offered by individual colleges, here are some additional opportunities to consider.

The Cardinal Newman Society Essay Contest

Calling all High School Seniors! The winner of the Contest will be awarded $5,000 toward the cost of attending one of the institutions recommended in The Newman Guide. Additionally, several NG colleges have agreed to supplement the Newman Society’s scholarship with additional $5,000 grants over three additional years. 



  • Apply by February 18, 2025

  • Online application and essay

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Saint Robert Bellarmine Fund

This scholarship provides a means for the faithful to attend schools where an authentically Catholic education experience can be attained. Namely, most of the colleges recommended by The Newman Guide. 



  • Apply by: TBD

  • Online application and short essay

Classic Learning Test

For tens of thousands of students, the CLT and CLT10 are the best way to access scholarship dollars. More than 100 colleges have tied scholarship dollars directly to CLT scores. Top scorers on the CLT10 may also be eligible for a $2,500 scholarship.

See CLT website and individual College websites for details.

Constitutional Study Program

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Students taking Hillsdale courses! You are eligible to apply for this $2,000 scholarship! You must be an American citizen, age 16 or older and currently enrolled in public or private high school, homeschool, college/university, or trade school. You must complete certain Hillsdale online courses.


In addition to the $2,000 scholarships, students who complete a 3rd course are also eligible for the $5,000 and $10,000 scholarships.



  • Application Deadline:  December 31, 2024

  • Enroll & complete certain FREE Hillsdale courses

  • Apply online!​

Pro-Life Essay Contest

The Culture of Life Studies Program’s annual pro-life essay contest began in 2017 and is now held annually during Respect Life Month in October. Cosponsored by the Institute for Excellence in Writing, this contest, traditionally for middle schoolers and older, gives children the opportunity to share their knowledge and thoughts about pro-life topics. And it’s a great way for them to win incredible prizes!



  • Application window TBD, but usually Oct-Nov


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